

The goal of Phonics instruction is to help children learn the alphabetic principle the idea that letters represent the sounds of spoken language and predictable relationship between written letters and spoken sounds. Phonics as a method is a great way to learn to read as it simplifies the English language down into just 44 sounds. Children therefore 'decode' words by breaking it down into it's sounds rather than having to memorise 1,000's of words individually.

Research shows that phonics when taught correctly is one of the most effective ways of teaching children to learn to read. Sounds are taught from easiest to hardest: single letter sounds first then moving on to two letters making a sound and so on. Learning phonics is one of the most important stepping stones in early reading. When children are familiar with the sounds that the letters make they are able to use them when reading, to segment and blend words together. It is proven to be more effective with children ages from 4-7 years old, but can be used with any age.



  Teaches letter-sound relationship in a clearly defined sequence

  Teaches the major sound/spelling relationship of both consonants and vowels

  Provides students with opportunities to spell words and to write their own stories with the letter-sound relationship they are learning.